Title |
Komandinio darbo raiškos bruožai Šiaulių specialųjį ugdymą teikiančiose organizacijose / |
Translation of Title |
The features of team work expression in the institutions lending special education in Šiauliai. |
Authors |
Jankauskienė, Dinara |
Full Text |
Pages |
80 |
Keywords [eng] |
Team ; expression ; special education |
Abstract [eng] |
Theoretical aspects of team work of various Lithuanian and foreign authors are analyzed in the Master work. Basing on the analysis of theory and taking into account the peculiarities of education organizations and a specificity of the actions it was done a research of the team work practice in the institutions lending special education in Šiauliai. Using a questionnaire inquest method, a situation in chosen segment organizations was appraised; the features of team work, the factors which induce and restrict its development were established; the trends of team work improvement were found out. The data of empiric investigation let to corroborate a formulated scientific hypothesis that an expression of team work in the organizations lending special education in Šiauliai increases an effectiveness of organizations’ activities. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2008 |