Title Influence of advertising on customer in book market /
Translation of Title Reklamos poveikis vartotojui knygų rinkoje.
Authors Meilūnaitė Vaišvilienė, Alina
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Pages 40
Keywords [eng] advertising ; book marketing ; book publishing
Abstract [eng] Paper represents the research of influence of advertising and its results. The research was conducted in two stages: an experiment to evaluate influence of advertising, trademark, and other factors on the choice of books, and a research to interpret the obtained data – influence of advertising was interpreted in the context of respondents’ experience, system of influence of advertising in book market was established, factors differentiating influence of advertising were singled out. The research also analyses theories of advertising influence and estimates the relation between advertising and book business. Theories of the influence of advertising fall into four groups. From theories of market response that bring no transitional effects it is proceeded to theories of persuasion. The relation of advertising and individual experience, and advertising and information was looked into in the framework of publicity and experience. In the second part, book advertising theory was analysed, preceding scientific research and approach to advertising in scientific research of publishing sector were studied, and market research conducted in various countries were analysed to estimate the relation between advertising and book business. Theoretical part of the investigation addresses traits of book market that shape communication of advertising, and subjects of book advertising are estimated from the point of view of influence.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2010