Title Mitologiniai įvaizdžiai Kazio Bradūno poezijoje /
Translation of Title The mythological images in the poetry by kazys bradūnas.
Authors Rugienienė, Jūratė
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Pages 57
Abstract [eng] JŪRATĖ RUGIENIENĖ The Mythological Images in K. Bradunas‘ Poetry SUMMARY The MA thesis analyses the early and late poetry of exodus writer K. Bradunas. The analysis reveals the main symbols and images of Lithuanian mythology, the interpretation of their meanings and allusions. The concept of myth is analysed according to the studies of literary and cultural scientists E. Leach, C. Levi-Strauss, D. Dilyte, J. Puhvel, I. Tencini-Vadapel, P. Dunduliene, M. Eliade, N. Velius, M. Bartninkas and others. The paper reviews the major features of the development of the myth concept and the symbols of the four elements (Earth, Water, Fire and Air). The practical part analyses the works of K. Bradunas according to the four elements. K. Bradunas‘ poetry reveals not only a verbal but also a ritual aspect of myth and considers not only Pagan but also Christian mythology and their connections. The author observes the rituals of birth, christening, death, burial, sacrifice from two different points of view – Paganism and Christianity. The writer is interested in Pagan elements which are mingled with Christian traditions and are vital nowadays. The Earth is personified as the element of fertility and is honoured and cherished. Water is the basis of everything and it has the meaning of cult. In Lithuanian mythology, it retains the same function: it destroys but at the same time it depurates from sins and sanctifies. Mythical images reveal the relationships between Fire and Water. They are two opposites which neutralize one another but at the same time they have similar functions. Fire transforms into the hearth and home, the torch of the fighter and it is personified. The elements of Air and Fire are connected since air is the reason of fire. Air is divided into two parts: visible and invisible. The visible part comprises flying birds, hurricanes and it plays a destructive role, while the invisible part represents the world of souls and ghosts. The World tree in the vertical prism is divided into three parts: roots – the nether world, stem – the earth, branches, the top – the sky. The horizontal World tree is also known in mythology. This structure creates a ritual. The cult of the horizontal World tree comprises rituals of solstices and equinoxes which often imitate the creation of the world.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009