Title Lietuvos sveikatos apsaugos sistemos strateginis valdymas: procesai ir modeliai /
Translation of Title Strategic management of health care system of Lithuania: processes and models.
Authors Janušonienė, Kristina
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Pages 143
Keywords [eng] Strategic management ; health care ; strategically focused system
Abstract [eng] The object of the research of dissertation is the competitive potential of health care system. Lately, searching for the proper ways for the health care systems to react to the issues of modern environment, management theorists started to use the concept of “strategically oriented system” more often. In addition, they state that in such organization the assumptions for practical implementation of the formed organization strategy are created, and there are more possibilities for synergy, which is the main source of creating value to consumer, to emerge. Successfully implemented strategy creates competitive advantage for organizations. In the dissertation the types of management and strategic management are described, the analysis of strategic management conceptions and schools is performed, and the importance of practical application of strategic management principles to health care system is revealed. In the analysis of health care system’s functioning and management processes the context of global strategic management and health care system is analyzed, discussing the importance of the foreign countries experience in formation of competitive strategy. In addition, the conception of Lithuanian health care strategic management is provided, and the organizational structure and management of health care in advanced countries is evaluated. The model of Lithuanian health care system’s strategic management process research is presented. According to this model, the competitive potential of the system is evaluated, and the empiric research of strategic management possibilities is performed. Lithuanian health care system’s strategic management model is prepared and presented, and practical application of this model is justified.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009