Title Anilino elektrocheminės polimerizacijos tyrimas ant įvairių elektrodų /
Translation of Title Investigation of Aniline Electrochemical Polymerization on Different Electrodes.
Authors Rakovska, Božena
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Pages 118
Keywords [eng] polyaniline ; pencil graphite ; titanium
Abstract [eng] The aim of the work is to determine the optimal conditions for polyaniline (PANI) layer formation on the pencil graphite, titanium and electrochemically anodized titanium electrodes using cyclic voltammetry method and investigate the electrochemically synthesized PANI coating properties. To investigate the [Fe(CN)6]-3 / [Fe(CN)6]-4 oxidation / reduction process on the Au electrode modified with PANI. It was found that the electrochemical polymerization of aniline on different electrodes takes place in different ways. Depending on the nature of the working electrode, as well as the monomer and electrolyte concentration, resulting coatings can be of different structures and have different characteristics. When electropolymerization of aniline is carried out on the pencil graphite obtained coating is a semi-oxidized form of PANI, i.e. emeraldine - electrically conductive material. Meanwhile, using the Ti or electrochemically anodized titanium coating obtained is completely oxidized form of PANI, i.e. - pernigraniline - nonconducting material. [Fe(CN)6]-3 / [Fe(CN)6]-4 redox process on the Au electrode modified with PANI was investigated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method. These studies will enable to decide about the future use of tested electrodes in the area of conductive polymer synthesis.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2013