Abstract [eng] |
In work made the theoretical analysis of features of training of mathematics in average and special programs of insignificant intellectual backlog of pupils. The lifted up hypothesis, so in general educational schools having founded staff of special teachers and assistants to teachers, during lessons using different methods of training, and command work, it would be reached more effective training of mathematics for not significant intellectual backlog of pupils. During questionnaire is carried out research which purpose was to find out mathematical knowledge of not significant intellectual backlog of pupils, to learn ways and methods of work of teachers, and their help for pupils. The statistical analysis of data is lead. In research participated 60 II - IV classes not considerably mentally retarded children (from each class on 20 pupils), trained in the general educational school and as much with them working teachers from of Jurbarko, Kalvarijos, Kedainiu, Kupiskio, Marijampoles and Vilkaviskio districts. In empirical part the social environment of the integrated education of not considerably mentally retarded children at the general educational school and their knowledge on the mathematician is investigated. Was found out, that from teachers who have a sufficient operational experience with of not many mentally retarded pupils, and are interested in special specificity of training of pupils; apply different ways of their training. The basic conclusions of empirical researches: 1. For training pupils has influence the help of parents, teachers, their dialogue with schoolmates. Also the help, the teachers, the special teacher though to speak about them to the given help to speak difficultly because such experts at the investigated schools it is not a lot of and to lead deeper conclusions to lead difficultly. 2. Examination of pupils under the questionnaire has shown that the integrated education of pupils at the general educational schools was justified. Many acquire pupils not only the program of special school, but they in a condition to solve the some more easy problems from the program of the general education, it show that during lessons the teachers are coordinated Special and General programs. 3. The hypothesis has proved to be true from a part because with the investigated pupils special teachers worked not enough and was not possible to define influence of these experts. But knowledge of children have shown, what not bad results can be reached using different methods of the work, suitable educational accessories, the help of comrades at lessons, the help of parents. Significant words: Not significant intellectual backlog pupils, educational methods, educational properties, command work. |