Title The Meaning of Lithuanian Past Tenses and their Equivalents in English /
Translation of Title Lietuvių kalbos būtųjų laikų reikšmės ir jų atitikmenys anglų kalboje.
Authors Petronienė, Saulė
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Pages 158
Keywords [eng] Lithuanian past tenses ; the past frequentative tense ; compound tenses ; modus relativus ; the category of evidentiality
Abstract [eng] The meanings of Lithuanian past simple tenses and their equivalents in English is the object of the thesis. Other forms expressing past, i.e. compound forms, participles used instead of indicative mood in the narrative speech as well as predicative indeclinable forms of past passive participles are the subject matter in the thesis. There are two simple past tenses in Lithuanian: the past simple and the past frequentative tense. Both tenses are used to express an action which happened before the moment of speech; however, the relation to the moment of speech is different: the past simple tense is used to express a very close action to the reference time (whether it is present or other past action). Thus, the past simple tense has the perfective and plusquamperfective meaning. Whereas, the past frequentative tense does not possess those meanings; it is used to express a repetitive action of a more distant past. Moreover, the relationship of analytic forms to the simple ones is determined in the study. The problem of modus relativus and the meaning of predicative participles of passive voice are covered in the thesis as well. Analytical nature of English tenses enables to perceive and evaluate the meanings and functions of Lithuanian tenses more accurately. The search for the equivalents of Lithuanian tenses in English allows determining more precise meanings of Lithuanian past tenses, particularly the grammaticalization of analytic constructions, the relationships of participles with finite forms while expressing simple predicament as well as distinguishing analytic and compound predicates.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2009