Title The Russo-Ukrainian war: a worldsystem theoretical approach /
Authors Beržiūnas, Valentinas
DOI 10.47459/lasr.2023.20.1
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Is Part of Lithuanian annual strategic review.. Vilnius : General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania. 2023, vol. 20, p. 5-19.. ISSN 1648-8024. eISSN 2335-870X
Abstract [eng] The article follows the perspective of the World-system and aims to reveal the factors determining Russian foreign policy. In response to the neo-realistic interpretation of Russia’s behaviour in the international system, based on the logic of maintaining the balance of powers, an alternative interpretation is formulated: Russia’s foreign policy is influenced by structural geo-economic factors – belonging to the ‘semi-peripheral’ geo-economic zone. It leads to socio-economic tensions and political instability within the state and forces the Russian regime to use various domestic and foreign policy instruments to mobilize the society. One such instrument is military aggression in foreign countries, including Ukraine.
Published Vilnius : General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2023
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