Title Santykio formavimas(is) Lietuvos bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje: tarp dialogo ir susvetimėjimo /
Translation of Title Relationship (self-)formation in the Lithuanian general education school: between dialogue and alienation.
Authors Labokas, Juozapas
DOI 10.15388/vu.thesis.666
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Pages 256
Keywords [eng] relation in education ; school alienation ; dialogue
Abstract [eng] Relationships is a topic of the existential importance in human life and education. However, when analysing the relationships in education, an overall withdrawal, feelings of meaninglessness, powerlessness, and disappointment is being observed. In scientific literature, this problem is referred to as school alienation, which encompasses students' negative attitudes towards school and can manifest in the areas of students’ relationships with teachers, classmates or learning activities. This suggests us to raise the questions of how we could characterize an alienated relationship at school and what are the typical features of such a relationship? what and how creates such a relationship? On the other hand, what is the counter-alienation relationship that can become a fruitful alternative in the context of the contemporary education? By taking this into account, the study was organized, which, based on the theoretical perspective of Martin Buber and relationship-based pedagogy, elaborates on the details of a student's relationship with classmates, teachers, and learning activities in cases when (non)alienation is present. The study reveals a wide range of relational experiences in school and demonstrates the multiplicity of the relational field. Alienation emerges as a negative, multidimensional, and individual phenomenon, while the dialogical relationship is revealed as the mutual ability and willingness of a student, student’s classmates, and teacher to participate in the act of building of interpersonal relationship.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024