Title Barcodeless food products recognition for retail self-checkout service /
Translation of Title Maisto produktų be brūkšninio kodo atpažinimas savitarnos kasose.
Authors Čiapas, Bernardas
DOI 10.15388/vu.thesis.662
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Pages 160
Keywords [eng] self-checkout ; barcodeless product ; image recognition ; class verification ; classification
Abstract [eng] The research aims to develop a self-learning, barcodeless product recognition system for self-checkout services in food retail. To achieve this, the study focuses on several objectives. First, it involves analyzing self-checkout product images to create a schema for training neural networks, addressing challenges such as empty images, customer interference, products in bags, and sales imbalances. Second, the research proposes methods for evaluating image quality and image emptiness, testing their effectiveness, and developing a neural network architecture for product classification. This architecture is designed to work efficiently on low-powered, GPU-less machines and is compared with existing state-of-the-art systems. Lastly, the study suggests a method for grouping similar products to improve prediction accuracy, with an emphasis on increasing accuracy beyond the traditional top-1 approach. Overall, the research seeks to enhance the efficiency of self-checkout systems, even with limited computational resources.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024