Title Vaikų knygų leidyba Lietuvoje 2000-2005 m /
Translation of Title Children Books Publishing in Lithuania During Years 2000-2005.
Authors Mataitytė, Romualda
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Pages 48
Abstract [eng] We can maintain that children’s books are the most important books in the world. Because reading the book from his young days, child is expanding his horizons, developing his personality and gaining valuable information that eases his integration into human society. Children’s book is very specific kind of publication, it is limited by the age and unique needs of young ones. It can be specially written for children, or picked from pre-digested adults book. The object of this paper is to reveal the entirety of children’s books publishing situation in Lithuania during the years 2000-2005. The main goals of this research are: to analyze the topics of the children’s books stream; to estimate quantitative characteristics of the published children’s books; to survey the situation of children’s books distribution; define the location of children’s books in diverse assortments of bookstores; and determine the tendencies of depicting children’s books in the book market’s information system. By the means of common scientific analysis, systematic, observational and interviewing methods of research and the quantitative analysis of the published children’s books stream, conclusions were reached. It was concluded, that during years 2000-2005 publishing of children’s books in Lithuania developed consistently in its quantitative and qualitative facets. During this period had increased the number of published children’s books, as well as the number of original writings made by Lithuanian authors. The current situation of publishers in Lithuania is determined by the circumstances in the books market: high competition among publishing houses, small circle of potential readers/customers and changing needs and preferences for reading in the society. Currently in Lithuanian society some noticeable cultural changes are in progress. Development of informational society and technological improvements show itself in a radical change of traditional aspects of people’s everyday life. People are spending more time watching television, working/playing with computers, using internet, thus they have less time for reading and books. Scientific researches showed that currently children are reading less, despite the fact that the number of published books increases with every year. The childes ability to read depends mainly from the situation in the family and the methods that were deployed in the process of teaching to read. Nevertheless, children’s literature is one of the main products in the Lithuanian book market. Children’s books prevails among the largest publishing houses (Alma littera, Egmont Lietuva, Dajalita, Gimtasis žodis, Naujoji Rosma, Šviesa, Trys nykštukai, Trys žvaigždutės, Mūsų knyga, Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, Mažasis vyturys, Vaga) production. The bookstores are highly important members of communicative cycle between publishers and readers, although currently books can be obtained not only in bookstores, but in various places – shopping centres, supermarkets, via internet etc. The demand factor of children’s books depends on its information system. The potential customers have to be informed about the books topic and purpose, author’s interest, competence of publisher and the places of purchase. Regrettably, we have to state, that the children’s book market’s information system in Lithuania is still in the initial stage of building. Main problem is, that there is no united system of communication among children’s books publishers, distributors, libraries, information centres, educational, scientific institutions and potential readers. The master’s paper can be useful for students of publishing in both bachelor’s and master’s courses, as well as for publishers and distributors of children’s books, because this is one of pioneer attempts to thoroughly examine the publishing tendencies of children’s books in Lithuania in the most recent years of new millennium.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009