Title Slow and steady does the trick: Slow outflows enhance the fragmentation of molecular clouds /
Authors Laužikas, Martynas ; Zubovas, Kastytis
DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/202450286
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Is Part of Astronomy and astrophysics.. Paris : EDP Sciences. 2024, vol. 690, art. no. A396, p. 1-21.. ISSN 0004-6361. eISSN 1432-0746
Keywords [eng] ISM ; clouds ; jets and outflows ; active galaxies
Abstract [eng] Context . Most massive galaxies host a supermassive black hole at their centre. Matter accretion creates an active galactic nucleus (AGN), forming a relativistic particle wind. The wind heats and pushes the interstellar medium, producing galactic-wide outflows. Fast outflows remove the gas from galaxies and quench star formation, and while slower ( υ < 500 km s −1 ) outflows are ubiquitous, their effect is less clear but can be both positive and negative.
Published Paris : EDP Sciences
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
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