Title Influence of impurities on dielectric properties of ferroelectric and superionic crystals /
Translation of Title Priemaišų įtaka feroelektrinių ir superjoninių kristalų dielektrinėms savybėms.
Authors Džiaugys, Andrius
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Pages 121
Keywords [eng] ferroelectric ; superionic ; phase transition ; dipolar glasses ; ferromagentics
Abstract [eng] Nowadays the ferroelectrics containing of several feroically active sublattices are very attractive, because interactions between these sublattices can caused novel phenomena. Antiferroelectrics, ferrielectrics and multiferoics belong to these materials. In this work new crystalline materials MNP2X6 (M = Cu, Ag; N=In, Cr, Bi; X=S, Se) were investigated, which have ferrielectric and multiferoic properties. The dielectric and electric properties of above mentioned materials have been investigated by broadband dielectric spectroscopy methods, which allows to analyze the collective processes related to order – disorder and displacive phase transitions, ions migration and freezing of dipoles (glassy state) in wide temperature (25 K - 500 K) and frequency (10-5 HZ - 3 GHz) ranges. By substitution or doping it becomes possible to tailor the ferroelectric materials to different properties. In this work is determined that the substitution of 10% Cu ions by Ag ions shifts the phase transition temperature of CuInP2S6 crystal toward lower temperatures while the addition of In ions shifts the phase transitions temperature toward the higher ones. The phase transition temperature difference is about 50 K for mentioned crystals. If the ferroelectric crystal CuInP2S6 is mixed with the antiferroelectric CuCrP2S6 the dipole glass phase occupies the middle of the phase diagram. The distribution of relaxation times has been calculated from the broadband dielectric spectra of dipolar glasses. The double potential well model for the distribution of relaxation times reveals the relation between the macroscopic and microscopic parameters of the dipolar glasses. Also the contribution of domain walls dynamics was separated from the dipole glass freezing in PGO and CuBiP2Se6 crystals.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2011