Title Pakaitinio gydymo metadonu programa Lietuvoje: ambicingi tikslai ir įgyvendinimo sunkumai /
Translation of Title Methadone maintenance treatment program in lithuania: the ambitious goals and implementation difficulties.
Authors Skačelytė, Augustė
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Pages 53
Abstract [eng] Aim: Identify the peculiarities of implementing a methadone maintenance treatment program in Lithuania. Objectives: 1. Identify the changes sought in implementing the methadone maintenance treatment program in Lithuania. 2. Evaluate the contribution of the methadone maintenance treatment in combating opioid use issues in Lithuania. 3. Identify the difficulties encountered in implementing the methadone maintenance treatment program in Lithuania. 4. Identify measures that could help address the ongoing challenges in implementing methadone maintenance treatment services. Methods: In the theoretical section, a theoretical research approach was utilized, involving the analysis, synthesis, summarization, and comparison of scientific literature. In the empirical section, a qualitative semi-structured expert interview was conducted, and the interview text was analyzed using content quality analysis. Results and conclusions: 1. The implementation of the methadone maintenance treatment in Lithuania aimed not only to enhance the health of opioid-dependent individuals but also to yield public health benefits. 2. The provision of methadone maintenance treatment services in Lithuania has significantly contributed to tackling opioid misuse issues. Positive changes were observed in the physical and psychological well-being and overall quality of life of individuals undergoing methadone maintenance treatment. There was an improvement in addressing criminal activities, as well as enhancing the prevention and management of HIV and other infectious diseases through early diagnosis and treatment. 3. Despite advancements, several challenges persist in the implementation of methadone maintenance treatment services in Lithuania: insufficient service expansion, stigma-related issues, a lack of specialized expertise, and a shortage of psychiatrists. 4. To overcome these ongoing challenges, it is recommended to strengthen case management practices and foster teamwork principles within mental health centers. Providing specialized training for professionals and ensuring competitive compensation can further support the effective implementation of methadone maintenance treatment services.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024