Title Vaikų mėginimų žudytis biopsichosocialiniai aspektai /
Translation of Title Biopsychosocial aspects of suicide attempts in children.
Authors Skukauskaitė, Aušrinė
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Pages 45
Abstract [eng] Introduction: Child and adolescent suicide is a major public health problem and one of the most common causes of death in this age group. Suicidal behaviour reflects young people's experience of anxiety, stress and lack of appropriate emotional management skills. Aim: To review the scientific literature, discuss the most common biopsychosocial aspects of suicide attempts and present 2 clinical cases. Results: Suicidal ideation can be determined by a range of factors, it is important to consider biological, psychological and social aspects in order to fully understand the clinical status. Biological factors include neuropsychiatric disorders, heredity, family influence, gender and age influence, and comorbid conditions. To assess the impact of psychological factors, adverse childhood experiences, character traits, emotional state and defence mechanisms are examined. Social factors include relationships with others and aspects of communication, cultural, economic and geographical factors, ethnicity and community status. Case report: The first case is a 12-year-old girl with a history of depression and repeated suicide attempts; risk factors from the anamnesis: childhood abuse by her mother, mother's psychiatric disorders and episodic alcohol use, suicide of grandmother with schizophrenia, difficulties in social communication and learning, experiences of bullying, sexual assault, contact with suicidal persons, history of panic, mood, sleep disorders, self-harm. The second case is a 16-year-old girl with a history of repeated suicide attempts, depression; risk factors from the anamnesis: mother's alcohol addiction, parental abandonment, distancing from friends, use of psychoactive substances, history of eating, sleeping and anxiety disorders, planning a suicide and self-harm. Conclusion: Early identification of risk factors and providing sufficient support can reduce the prevalence of suicidal behaviour. Not enough young people are receiving help, it is important to develop and fulfil programmes of prevention, public education and further research to identify the prevalence, risk and protective factors for suicide.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024