Title Gestacinis diabetas, koreguojamas insulinu /
Translation of Title Insulin therapy in gestational diabetes.
Authors Drozd, Katarina
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Pages 32
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY Introduction. Gestational diabetes is one of the most common pathologies of pregnancy. If left untreated, gestational diabetes can lead to a wide range of complications for both mother and foetus. However, there are many ways to regulate blood glucose levels during pregnancy to avoid complications. Objective. The aim of this study is to present the case of the patient with gestational diabetes and discuss the concept, pathogenesis and treatment of gestational diabetes. Methods. An analysis and review of the scientific literature was carried out, including the sources of evidence – based medicine, using keywords: “gestational diabetes “, “diabetes and pregnancy “, “gestational diabetes and infertility“. This review includes the most recent articles published in the last 10 years 2014-2024. Clinical case. A clinical case is selected to describe the case of a patient who experienced infertility, which led to the prescription of a hormonal treatment and the use of assisted reproductive technology. The woman had additional risk factors for gestational diabetes and was diagnosed with the pathology at her first antenatal visit which was not effectively managed by non-pharmacological means and required insulin treatment throughout whole pregnancy. Conclusion. Gestational diabetes sis one of the most common complications of pregnancy, affecting around 10% of all pregnant women, but keeping blood glucose levels within the normal range is essential. In milder cases, a healthy lifestyle and diet are enough to bring blood glucose levels back to normal, however sometimes pharmacological treatment with insulin is needed to achieve this. Regardless of how effective the treatment of gestational diabetes is, it is important to keep glycaemia within normal rage as maintaining adequate blood sugar levels can help prevent complications during pregnancy, labour and birth both for pregnant woman and foetus. Keywords. Gestational diabetes, insulin therapy in gestational diabetes, gestational diabetes and infertility.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024