Title Dubens dugno raumenų relaksacijos ir treniravimo metodų apžvalga ir pritaikymas nėštumo ir pogimdyminiu laikotarpiu /
Translation of Title Overview of pelvis floor muscle relaxation and training techniques and their use during pregnancy and post partum period.
Authors Drupaitė, Emilija
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Pages 34
Abstract [eng] Pelvic floor – a very complex body structure, which is responsible for handful of body functions – intraabdominal pressure stabilisation, pelvic organ support, urinary, fecal continence and vaginal functions. Pregnancy and childbirth is really challenging on woman's body – increasing body mass and other pregnancy related body changes put significant pressure on the body, joints and muscles –a huge weight load affects the pelvic floor muscles and tissues. According to several researchers – a women that has ever given birth has an increased risk of developing a pelvic floor dysfunction. Pregnancy and birth cause severe bodily and pelvic floor tissue changes, sometimes there is some damage to the pelvic floor muscles. Severe pelvic floor dysfunctions could be treated by surgery, but it is discussed that pelvic floor dysfunction prevention is possible through pelvic floor training during pregnancy. While analysing different pelvic floor muscle training methods the conclusion has been made, that any method, that trains pelvic floor muscles or prepares mother for conscious and positive childbirth could have an effect and reduce the risk of developing such dysfunctions. Pelvic floor training should be emphasised and encouraged by medical personnel, pregnant women should get the information about the importance of pelvic muscle training during pregnancy and postpartum from her healthcare provider.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024