Title Idiopatinis prieširdžių virpėjimas pediatrijoje: klinikinio atvejo aprašymas ir literatūros apžvalga /
Translation of Title Idiopathic atrial fibrillation in pediatrics: clinical case report and systemic literature review.
Authors Kemežytė, Aurelija
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Pages 24
Abstract [eng] This systematic review describes idiopathic atrial fibrillation in children, a rare cardiac arrhythmia with an incidence of 7.5 per 100 000 at risk. This literature review included 9 articles that met the inclusion criteria and in total analysed 397 pediatric cases of idiopathic atrial fibrillation. The study revealed a predominance of male patients with an increased risk during adolescent and a significant part of the sample being overweight or obese. Symptomatic presentation was common, with palpitations as the most frequent symptom. Catheter ablation was performed in 26 % of cases, identifying focal triggers and re-entrant mechanisms as the main arrhythmia substrates, with non atrial fibrillation triggers found in 53 % of the cases, associated with a recurrence rate of 25 % and complications in less than 1 % of the sample. In addition, we present a clinical case report on the idiopathic atrial fibrillation, presented during the increased immunological reponse state, associated with multiple factors and developed into the chronic condition. This review summarises existing literature results on idiopathic atrial fibrillation in children and confirms the importance on further need of studies to help give qualitive care for the children affected by this disorder.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024