Title Gamtamokslinio tyrimo gebėjimų ir kompetencijų ugdymas fizikos laboratoriniuose darbuose /
Translation of Title Developing natural sciences research skills and competences in physics laboratory work.
Authors Matijošaitis, Evaldas
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Pages 56
Abstract [eng] The aim of the study is to analyse how laboratory work in physics laboratories develops research skills and subject understanding from the students' point of view. To assess that, the research involves a mixed-methods approach to data collection, including a literature review on research skills in natural sciences, the teaching laboratory approach and the use of virtual laboratories, a statistical and textual analysis of an anonymous questionnaire for undergraduate science students, and an experimental study with a group of undergraduate students in a physics teaching laboratory with a questionnaire of participants. The carried out research work leads to the following conclusions: 1. Physics students' perceptions of their experiences in teaching laboratories cannot be assessed by direct questions, but can be revealed indirectly by assessing the process and organisation of these activities, the objectives, competences and skills developed; 2. The skills and competences developed in laboratory work at the Faculty of Physics of Vilnius University show that all undergraduate courses are dominated by closed-instructional laboratory work designed to demonstrate physics theory; 3. Gender differences in physics laboratory work are manifested in the greater stress experienced by women during laboratory work and in the greater self-confidence of men; 4. A statistically significant shift in negative opinion about laboratory experiences in senior years reflects a lack of scientific independence, critical thinking and other competences and skills necessary for scientific research, formed in closed-instructional hands-on activities in teaching laboratories; 5. Virtual laboratory activities can develop the same competences and skills as the activities in the teaching laboratory, but cannot provide hands-on experience with research equipment and are therefore more suitable as a preparatory activity for a real experiment.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024