Title Krūties vėžio radiogenominiai tyrimai: literatūros apžvalga /
Translation of Title Breast cancer radiogenomics: a review of the literature.
Authors Liekis, Rokas
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Pages 29
Abstract [eng] Objectives: to perform an analytical review of the literature on the use of radiogenomics in breast cancer diagnosis. Methods: The PubMed database was searched for sources based on keywords. Boolean operators were used to ensure that articles dealing with radiomics, radiogenomics and their use in breast cancer diagnosis would be included. 44 publications published between 2012 and 2023 were selected for analysis. Based on the publications, a thematic analysis was performed, dividing the results into main themes: areas of use and significance of radiomics and radiogenomics; radiomic features that help to diagnose breast cancer; correlations of radiomic, molecular and genetic traits. Results: After conducting a literature review, 9 publications describing the areas of use and significance of radiomics, 7 publications describing radiomic features in diagnosing breast cancer, 10 publications describing the correlation of radiomics with genetic tests and 10 publications describing the correlation of radiomics with molecular subtypes of breast cancer were analyzed. After a review of the literature, a table summarizing the main publications related to the correlation of radiomics and molecular subtypes and the correlation of radiological and genetic features in breast cancer was created. Conclusions. Radiogenomics - the relationship between radiomics and genomics features is a field of science that is actively researched to improve the tool of precision medicine in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Radiogenomics, with the help of artificial intelligence, can reduce the number of invasive procedures. Radiomic signs can accurately differentiate benign from malignant changes, the correlation of radiomic signs with genetic tests significant in breast cancer and molecular subtypes of breast cancer has been established.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024