Title Šizofrenija sergančių pacientų gydymo kokybės vertinimo objektyvizavimas /
Translation of Title Objectification of treatment quality assessment in patients with schizophrenia.
Authors Marcinkevičiūtė, Rugilė
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Pages 45
Abstract [eng] The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of tools that can be used to assess the quality of treatment for schizophrenic patients. A brief literature review is presented, where the current challenges of assessing the treatment of schizophrenia are discussed by analysing the scientific articles related to this topic. The subjective elements of the clinical assessment of diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia are reviewed, as well as the importance of objectifying treatment assessment, not only for research but also for everyday clinical practice. The advantages and disadvantages of objectifying the quality of treatment assessment in general and with specific scales in everyday clinical practice are compared. Validated scales – the Clinical Global Impression, the World Health Organisation Quality of Life Scale and the Global Assessment of Functioning scale – used to assess the quality of schizophrenia treatment are discussed. Their differences, similarities, strengths, weaknesses and evaluative aspects are compared. The study reviews the statistical application of three scales in clinical practice: the Clinical Global Impression (CGI), the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL) and the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF). These instruments were used to objectively assess the quality of treatment of patients with schizophrenia in the Male and Female Units of the Acute Psychiatric Unit of the Vilnius City Mental Health Centre. According to the World Health Organisation Quality of Life Scale, patients' overall satisfaction with their personal health improved and they felt more satisfied overall after treatment in the unit. There was also a statistically significant improvement in the psychosocial functioning of the subjects according to the Global Assessment of Functioning scale. Improvement at baseline and at the end of hospitalisation. the Clinical Global Impression – Schizophrenia Scale was also completed by the clinicians, assessing positive, negative, depressive and cognitive symptoms, as well as the overall severity of illness. Statistically significant improvements were observed in the positive, negative and overall severity of illness subscales when comparing the start and end of hospital treatment. Taken together, these scales, although each measuring different but very important aspects of schizophrenia, showed statistically significant improvements in the most important areas of the illness over the treatment period.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024