Title Krešėjimo sutrikimai tarp paauglių pacienčių, sergančių menoragija ir anemija /
Translation of Title Coagulation disorders among adolescent females with menorrhagia and anemia.
Authors Morkūnaitė, Agnė
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Pages 26
Abstract [eng] Author: Agnė Morkūnaitė. Scientific supervisor: doc. dr. Sonata Šaulytė Trakymienė. Title: Coagulation Disorders among Adolescent Females with Menorrhagia and Anemia. Objective: To analyze and determine the frequency of inherited coagulation disorders in adolescent patients with menorrhagia and anemia treated in the Children's Oncohematology Department. Methods: This retrospective study reviewed adolescent patients diagnosed with menorrhagia and anemia who were treated at the Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Clinics' Children's Oncohematology Department. Data collected for analysis included the patients' demographics, menstrual history, personal and family bleeding history, and treatments administered. Laboratory evaluations included clinical, biochemical and coagulation tests. Results: Inherited coagulation disorders were identified in 17% of the patients. Structured assessment of menorrhagia was conducted for only one patient. Information about additional bleeding symptoms was collected for only a third of the patients (33%). Family bleeding phenotypes were not assessed in 46% of the cases. Screening coagulation tests were performed on 96% of the patients, with a third definitively ruled out for a hemostatic disorder. Testing for common inherited coagulation disorders was carried out in 56% of the patients, with a repeat assessment in only 31%. Severe anemia was diagnosed in half of the patients. Hormone therapy was the most commonly used hemostatic treatment for menorrhagia, and 58% of the patients had their iron deficiency anemia effectively treated with intravenous iron. Conclusions: Standardized and objective assessments of menorrhagia as well as personal and family bleeding history are rarely used in clinical practice. The hemostatic cause of menorrhagia is often excluded with initial screening tests, although such evaluations frequently yield falsely negative results. This highlights the need for standardized evaluation of bleeding and laboratory phenotypes in adolescents with menorrhagia.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024