Title Rinofimos etiologija, patogenezė, gydymo būdai. Atvejo aprašymas ir literatūros apžvalga /
Translation of Title Rhinophyma: etiology, pathogenesis and treatment. clinical case report and scientific literature analysis.
Authors Olekaitė, Vaiva
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Pages 30
Abstract [eng] Rhinophyma is an advanced, severe form of rosacea, characterised by thickened skin and enlarged sebaceous glands, tipically affecting the lower two thirds of the nose. The etiology of rhinophyma is not fully understood but is known to be multifactorial. Potential causes include hormonal or genetic factors, as well as external elements such as Demodex mites, ultraviolet radiation, heat, vitamin deficiencies and consumption of caffeine or alcohol. This condition is most prevalent in Caucasian men. The pathogenesis of rhinophyma involves the skin and is characterised by skin thickening and hypertrophied sebaceous glands. Chronic dilation of superficial cutaneous blood vessels and instability of the vessel walls also lead to extravasation of lymph into the surrounding tissues. The resulting chronic edema triggers an inflammatory reaction, leading to fibrosis and sebaceous hyperplasia. Treatment primarily focuses on reducing redness with lasers or intense pulsed light, targeting the vascular components, and surgical reshaping of the nose, which is typically reserved for advanced stages of the disease when non-invasive treatments prove ineffective or of low efficacy. Preventive measures may include low doses of isotretinoin and trials of drugs such as tamoxifen.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024