Title Šiuolaikinis lėtinių apatinių galūnių opų gydymas /
Translation of Title Modern treatment of chronic leg ulcers.
Authors Petruškaitė, Emilija
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Pages 36
Abstract [eng] Chronic lower extremity ulcers are associated with a significant financial, psychological, and social burden for both the individual and society. With an aging population and the earlier emergence of Western lifestyle-related diseases, the prevalence of patients afflicted with chronic lower limb ulcers is projected to increase. Peripheral artery disease and chronic venous diseases, including chronic venous insufficiency, are key contributors to the development of these ulcers. Currently, the gold standard for treating chronic wounds is M.O.I.S.T. strategy, which addresses crucial wound requirements such as moisture maintenance, optimal oxygenation, infection management, debridement, and adjunctive therapies. These needs can be met through conservative measures or, when necessary, a combination of conservative and surgical interventions. This paper discusses such conservative treatment methods as: antioxidant hydrogels, diverse antiseptics, negative pressure therapy, smart wound dressings, and various debridement techniques. Such surgical interventions as: skin grafting, revascularization procedures, venous recanalization and reflux removal operations are described. The operating principles, advantages, limitations and indications of the mentioned methods are discussed in order to expand the knowledge about the treatment of chronic lower limb ulcers.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024