Title Pooperacinių komplikacijų dažnis po laparoskopinių apendektomijų vaikams gydomiems Vilniuje ir sąsajos su rizikos veiksniais /
Translation of Title The frequency of postoperative complications after laparoscopic appendectomies and their relationship with risk factors in children treated in vilnius.
Authors Pikturnaitė, Gabija
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Pages 72
Abstract [eng] The aim of study. This study aimed to assess if the frequency of complications following laparoscopic appendectomies in children treated in Vilnius matches international statistical data and to indentify potential risk factors. Subjects and Methods. Children (0-17 years) with acute appendicitis, hospitalized at Vilnius University Santaros Clinics' Pediatric Surgery Department, were studied. Data on age, gender, height, weight, symptoms pre-surgery, laboratory tests (WBC, CRP), imaging (ultrasound), microbiology (abdominal culture), histology, laparoscopic technique, and surgery duration were collected. Postoperative complications during hospitalization and after discharge were recorded. Results. 81 boys and 66 girls participated (ratio 1.23:1), averaging 11.42 years. 10 complications (6.8%) were registered following laparoscopic appendectomy. A statistically significant difference was found between cases with complications and cases without complications when analyzing patients' body mass index (BMI), duration of symptoms, absolute leukocyte count, diameter of the appendix, free fluid observed during ultrasound examination and duration of surgery. Conclusions. Complication rates in Vilnius align with international literature. Notably, the hospital ranks among those with fewer complications. To mitigate future complications, raising awareness about appendicitis symptoms, enhancing diagnostic capabilities for early detection, and encouraging laparoscopic training for physicians are crucial. These measures aim to enhance patient outcomes.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024