Title COVID 19 poveikis endokrininei sistemai: šiuolaikinės literatūros apžvalga /
Translation of Title COVID-19 and the endocrine system: a review of the current literature.
Authors Ridzvanavičiūtė, Ieva
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Pages 44
Abstract [eng] Relevance of the problem: The endocrine system plays a vital role in controlling human homeostasis. Understanding the potential impact of COVID-19 on the endocrine glands is essential to prevent and manage endocrine disruption before and during the hospitalization of patients infected with COVID-19, as well as to properly monitor them after recovery. The aim of the work: after a detailed analysis of the mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 infection and its effects on various endocrine glands, to clarify the complex relationship between COVID-19 and endocrine dysfunction, and to summarize the data published in the scientific press about the effects of COVID-19 on the endocrine system. Material and methods: The selection of scientific articles is carried out in the PubMed/Medline database. Articles describing the impact of COVID-19 on the endocrine system were included and analyzed. Results: 55 articles published in PubMed/Medline database were analyzed. COVID-19 has been found to affect the pancreas, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, gonads, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland. Conclusions: The majority of the available data refer to glucose dysregulation and its reciprocal effect on COVID-19 infection with the main interest focusing on the presentation of new onset of diabetes mellitus. Thyroid dysfunction with low triiodothyronine, low thyroid stimulating hormone, or subacute thyroiditis has been reported. Adrenal dysregulation and impaired sexual function in affected men have also been reported. Complications of other endocrine glands are still not clear. Considering the recent onset of COVID-19 infection, the available follow-up data are limited, and therefore, long-term studies are required to evaluate certain effects of COVID-19 on the endocrine glands.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024