Title Eutanazijos galimybė Lietuvoje: etiniai aspektai /
Translation of Title Possibility of euthanasia in lithuania: ethical aspects.
Authors Stankevičiūtė, Reda
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Pages 36
Abstract [eng] This literature review examines the ethical aspects of euthanasia, a complex and controversial topic in medical ethics. Various arguments and perspectives related to this theme are reviewed, delving into the ethical principles underlying both supporters and opponents. Ethical aspects are discussed based on arguments, opinions, and interpretations expressed in international discourse. The analysis draws on arguments presented by bioethics representatives such as Peter Singer, Daniel Callahan, James Rachels, Leon Kass, Dan Brock, and others. They were chosen because their arguments clearly and reasonably reveal the main dilemmas arising in discussions on the topic of euthanasia. The review begins with the concept of euthanasia, discussing its definition, classification, and interpretation. Furthermore, the topic of euthanasia is discussed based on major Ethical theories such as deontology, utilitarianism, and the theory of Principlism, with respect for human autonomy identified as the most relevant principle. Key arguments highlighted in this study include patient autonomy as the most important ethical principle in discussing euthanasia. The distinction, or lack thereof, between permitting death and killing is also discussed to assess the difference between other end-of-life decisions and active voluntary euthanasia. The study also analyses the importance of the value of life and quality of life, as well as the potential “slippery slope” argument. Additionally, current euthanasia issues worldwide are reviewed, discussing countries that have recently adopted euthanasia or assisted suicide laws. Considering opinions from different fields, the importance of euthanasia legislation in Lithuania is discussed.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024