Title Naujai atsirandančių robotinių sistemų pritaikymas urologijoje /
Translation of Title Application of emerging robotic systems in urology.
Authors Stukėnas, Daumantas
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Pages 26
Abstract [eng] Development of new medical technologies as well as searching for more effective treatment methods is a fundamental part contributing in the advancement of medicine field. One of the biggest breakthroughs in surgery in the last three decades is considered to be the invention of robotic surgery systems, which have reduced the invasiveness of the operation, improved patient‘s post-operative recovery results and provided better ergonomics for the surgeon. With the patent expiry of the daVinci robotic system, which dominated the robotic surgery market for 20 years, new platforms have emerged to make robotic surgery more accessible to every hospital. Robotic systems provide better movement accuracy and precision, which are crucial when operating in confined anatomical spaces. This makes urology to be the leading area, where the application of these platforms is of major importance. Objective: review and describe the current and emerging robotic surgical systems and their application possibilities in urology, based on the literature available today. Methods: Pub-Med, ClinicalKey, SpringerLink, Oxford Journals, Google and Google Scholar systems were used to search for publications, reviewing emerging robotic systems and their application in urology. Data was collected between December 2023 and April 2024. Specific search terms were used to specify the literature sources. Conclusions: the application of emerging robotic systems in urology is safe and effective. System’s smaller size, reduced cost, open console, modularity and compatibility with existing conventional instruments are the main advantages that can compete with the current market leader.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024