Title Proaktyvaus gyvybingumo valdymo, darbo — gyvenimo balanso, įsitraukimo į darbą ir perdegimo ryšiai laisvai samdomų darbuotojų imtyje /
Translation of Title The relationships between proactive vitality management, work-life balance, work engagement and burnout in freelancers.
Authors Piščalova, Justina
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Pages 51
Abstract [eng] Because of natural changes in the employment market, we see a constant growth in workers who choose a less common freelancing career over an organizational employment. Self-employed work comes with certain benefits and additional job resources, yet it also presents workers with new demands, such as bigger challenges in maintaining a balance between work and personal life. Minding the specific context of freelance work, we can notice a great need for personal initiative, proactivity, and the ability to maintain an optimal level of energy to reach one’s goals. In this quantitative study we sought to analyse the relationships between proactive vitality management, work — life balance, work engagement and burnout in freelancers, who’s main work is done using a computer. We analysed the data from 147 respondents who were working solely as freelancers or mixing freelancing with organizational job. Data showed that proactive vitality management positively predicts work — life balance and work engagement and negatively predicts burnout. Also, we find that work — life balance mediates the relationships between proactive vitality management and burnout in all respondents, but also in women (but not in men) and in those who have exclusively freelance careers (but not in those, who mix freelancing with a job in organization). In other words, proactive vitality management allows workers maintain an optimal level of energy, which in turn helps effectively manage the demands or work and personal life, thus reaching a higher work engagement.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024