Title Transformacinio vadovavimo vaidmuo darbo reikalavimų ir perdegimo sąsajoms /
Translation of Title The role of transformational leadership in the relationship between job demands and burnout.
Authors Šalnaitė, Ieva
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Pages 57
Abstract [eng] One of the main causes of burnout is excessive job demands, and transformational leadership can be significant in reducing it. This study aims to evaluate the role of transformational leadership in the relationship between job demands and burnout. The study was conducted in 2024, examining 243 employees, of whom 41 were men and 201 were women, and one person, who marked the gender as "other", and the total average age of the subjects was 37.8 years. Non-probability convenience sampling was used to select the study participants. The study used the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT), the General Scale of Transformational Leadership (GTL) and the job demands scales from the Job Demands and Resources Questionnaire (JD-R). The study conducts correlational analysis to determine the relationships between the constructs and their dimensions, and moderation to reveal the direct role of transformational leadership in the burnout-job demands relationship. The study found that various job demands increase employee exhaustion, mental distance, emotional and cognitive impairment and, in general, burnout. It was found that transformational leadership does not influence the relationships between workload and pace and burnout, as well as between role conflict and burnout. However, higher transformational leadership strengthens the positive relationship between cognitive, emotional demands, work interruptions and burnout. The study shows that when employees experience such high work demands, a transformational leader does not help to reduce them, but contributes to burnout even more.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024