Title Darbo ir gyvenimo balansas, jo sąsajos su darbo reikalavimais ir ištekliais bei balansą palaikančiu vadovu ir organizacijos kultūra /
Translation of Title Work-life balance, its relationship to job demands and resources, and the manager and organisational culture that supports the balance.
Authors Vitkutė, Emilija
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Pages 61
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY Work – Life Balance, its Relationship to Job Demands and Resources, and the Manager and Organisational Culture that Supports the Balance. Emilija Vitkutė. Vilnius: Vilnius University. Faculty of philosophy. Institute of psychology. 2024, 61 p. Key words: work – life balance, job demands, job resources, balance supporting supervisor’s behaviour, balance supporting organisational culture. The aim of the study is to determine the relation between work – life balance and job demands and resources, as well as the supervisor and organisational culture that supports the balance. The study was carried out online via the “Google Forms” platform. The study consists of 199 participants, of whom 121 are women (60,8 %) and 75 are men (37,7%). The participants were presented with socio – demographic questions, “Work – Nonwork Balance” scale (Wayne et al., 2021), “The Job Demands – Resources Questionnaire” (Bakker et al., 2015), “Family Supportive Supervisor Behaviors Short – Form” (Hammer et al., 2013) and “The Work – Life Balance Culture Scale” (Nitzsche et al., 2014). The results of the study showed that ratings of engagement, effectiveness and emotional balance did not differ significantly between gender, age, education, years of experience, having a partner and being single. Engagement, effectiveness, emotional balance, and supportive managerial behaviour are more pronounced in high workload having employees than in low workload having employees. Autonomy, peer support, access to development and supervisor support are directly related to engagement, effectiveness, and emotional balance. Cognitive job demands are positively and weakly related to effectiveness balance, but no further statistically significant relationships were found between job demands and work - life balance. A supportive organisational culture and supportive managerial behaviour are positively related to respondents' engagement, effectiveness and emotional balance. Balance - maintaining organisational culture and managerial behavior do not influence the relationship between job demands, resources, and effectiveness balance, but organisational culture acts as a moderating factor between cognitive demands and emotional balance. Workload, pace, opportunity for development and organisational culture have a positive impact on the balance of effectiveness. In addition, opportunity for improvement and organisational culture have a positive effect on the prediction of emotional balance.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024