Title Gegužės 3-osios konstitucijos atminties skirtys politinėje retorikoje: Lietuvos ir Lenkijos atvejai /
Translation of Title The differences in the memory of may 3rd constitution in political rhetoric: the cases of lithuania and poland.
Authors Poškus, Manvydas
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Pages 96
Abstract [eng] Prior historiographical analyses of the May 3 Constitution provide a comprehensive understanding of the shifts in assessment and understanding of the Constitution. Nevertheless, the current literature analysis reveals that the primary focus of existing studies is on the document itself, particularly its content. Currently, there is also a lack of active interest in how the memory of the May 3rd Constitution is being utilized in politics, which presents certain problematic aspects. The adoption of the Constitution of May 3rd is a significant historical event shared by Poland and Lithuania. However, the way this event is commemorated and represented differs between the two countries. The conducted research is made more significant by the evident trend of growing scholarly and political interest in this historical event in Lithuania. The objective of this study is to ascertain the process by which the political rhetoric of each state shapes its identity image, specifically through the historical memory of the May 3rd Constitution. Additionally, this research aims to uncover any potential disparities in the discourse between the two countries. To achieve the primary objective of the project, the theory of social constructivism will be used as a framework to identify the meanings of identity established in political rhetoric. The research aims to elucidate the state's identity as it is revealed through the rhetoric employed by political leaders of particular states, through a thorough analysis of said rhetoric. The master thesis examines the period from 2001 to 2023. The selected theory of social constructivism places significant emphasis on examining the interconnectedness between identity and political transformation, as they are viewed as established collective practices. Moreover, both individuals and political parties have the capacity to exert influence on the assessment of historical events. However, an analysis of the rhetoric used by the Lithuanian political elite reveals that the regional perspective on evaluating the Constitution remains largely consistent, regardless of the individuals in positions of authority. Instead, this event is regarded as pivotal in bilateral relations, and the assessment of the Constitution is contingent upon the specific bilateral relationship with Poland, rather than Lithuania's direct relationship with the Constitution. While there are ongoing public debates in Poland regarding the potential reassessment of this historical event through a process of "de-Polonization," the rhetoric of the political leaders is primarily influenced by the national perspective. The Constitution is perceived as a triumph of the Polish nation, irrespective of shifts in governmental power. Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that the Polish political elite often took a more moderate view of the Constitution when addressing audiences in Lithuania or in the presence of the Lithuanian delegation, within a broader regional context. An analysis of the political elite's discourse in both countries indicates that they interpret this event differently. In Lithuania, it is seen as a blemish that is assessed for pragmatic reasons, particularly in relation to bilateral relations with Poland. It is also viewed as a necessary part of European identity's historical events, which, although not significantly diverging from the views of the political elite, has limited impact on society. On the Polish side, it is highly esteemed and regarded as an integral aspect of Polish identity, separate from any efforts to enhance bilateral relations. Instead, the Constitution serves as a moral and ethical foundation and a definitive legal document that is trusted by political leaders who make important political choices. It is also used by those who confidently utilize the Constitution's distinct features to justify domestic policy decisions and legitimize shifts in foreign policy direction.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024