Title Suaugusiųjų, turinčių aktyvumo ir dėmesio sutrikimą, gyvenimo kokybės skirtumai vartojant ir nevartojant medikamentinį gydymą /
Translation of Title Differences in the quality of life of adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders with and without medication.
Authors Vysocki, Dioniz
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Pages 40
Abstract [eng] Aim: Evaluate and compare differences in satisfaction with quality of life levels among adults with attention and activity disorder, regarding whether they are receiving medication treatment. Methods: Quantitative research method was chosen for the study. The research was conducted remotely in March 2024, using online survey. The survey link was posted in closed groups on "Facebook" website: "ADHD Lithuania" and "ADHD Parents Group". The study population consists of lithuanian residents. The main criteria for participants are adulthood and diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Three groups of participants were studied: currently using medication, no longer using medication and who have never tried medication for ADHD. Data were processed using MS Excel 2010 and IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0 software package. MS Word 2010 was used to create diagrams. Descriptive statistics method was applied. Participants: 109 adults diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Results and conclusions: All respondents, when not using medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, experience difficulties at work or in studies, and feel negative impact of symptoms on their emotional and psychological well-being and the quality of relationships with close people. Participants using medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder mostly indicated satisfaction with productivity at work or in studies, psychological and emotional well-being, quality of relationships with close people, overall quality of life. Non-users mostly indicated dissatisfaction in the mentioned areas. Users and non-users of medication mostly believe that pharmacological treatment improves their overall quality of life. Keywords: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, medication treatment, quality of life.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024