Title Pacientų bendravimo patirties su sveikatos priežiūros specialistais vertinima /
Translation of Title Evaluation of patients' communication experience with healthcare professionals.
Authors Janušonytė, Monika
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Pages 74
Abstract [eng] Janušonytė M. Evaluation of patients' communication experience with healthcare professionals. Master's thesis of the advanced practice study program. Thesis supervisor: Assoc. Dr. Almeda Kučinskienė, thesis advisor - Alma Gaupšienė. Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing. Vilnius, 2024. - p. Through communication, people can transfer information to each other and only through communication can they develop and improve themselves, teach and learn. The relationship between the health care professional and the patient is a particularly important indicator for the evaluation of the quality of health care services. Trust, confidentiality, respectful communication and providing the individual with detailed information about their health care are essential criteria for assessing communication on which a good personal and professional relationship between health care professional and patient depends. Successful communication is a significant part of life for every person, and it is not an exception for the personnel working in the medical field, who every day have to deal with people who need medical help and solve various health problems. Aim of the study: To analyse patients' experiences of communication with healthcare professionals. Methodology: A qualitative type method, semi-structured interview, was chosen. A qualitative type method, semi-structured interview, was chosen. The instrument used is an interview. The interview questionnaire consists of 15 questions. The interview is recorded and the information is transcribed. The interview questions used were based on the analyzed literature. Microsoft Word was used for descriptive data analysis. The research was conducted in accordance with ethical principles. Results of the study. An analysis of interviews was carried out with the participation of 15 people in order to study the experience of communication with health care professionals. After analyzing the received data and evaluating all the results, it was found that the majority of people who participated in the study are satisfied with the communication of healthcare professionals. Conclusion. The study revealed that patients' communication experiences with health care professionals are divided into two groups of negative and positive experiences, but the majority evaluates them positively. Each interlocutor understands communication differently, but all interviewees answered in the same way that healthcare professionals should update their communication knowledge and skills.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024