Title Translation of field-specific collocations used in company laws from lithuanian into english /
Translation of Title Įmonių įstatymuose vartojamų kolokacijų vertimas iš lietuvių kalbos į anglų kalbą.
Authors Budraitienė, Meida
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Pages 46
Keywords [eng] company laws, corpus-driven, degrees of equivalence, English, field-specific collocations, legal language, Lithuanian, translation strategies, anglų kalba, bendovių įstatymai, konkrečios dalykinės srities kolokacijos, lietuvių kalba, lygiavertiškumo laipsniai, teisės kalba, tekstyno metodas, vertimo strategijos
Abstract [eng] The focus of this master's thesis is to identify field-specific collocations that are utilized within keywords that are associated with the same semantic field of companies. Additionally, it concentrates on the translations of Lithuanian company laws into English. As well as figuring out the translation strategies and degrees of equivalency of those collocations. The results of this comprehensive research indicated that the distribution of a wider spectrum of translation options is mainly impacted by the higher frequency of the keywords in the corpus. Also, collocates primarily contrast between the source and target language because of the greater range of translation variants between the keywords. The most common strategy of field-specific collocations was through-translation. Although discrepancy between languages and their legal terminology causes several translation problems, degrees of equivalence have proven that it is possible to identify translational equivalence, even though both languages might reflect different legal systems and cultural background. The majority of collocations were identified as having a degree of near equivalence. By establishing essential attributes of the collocation in source and target language it was clear, that collocations used with the Lithuanian field-specific keywords, have maintained their initial conceptual meaning, and related to the same essential characteristics with their translation equivalents.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024