Title Odontologijos studentų ir gydytojų odontologų žinios apie gilaus ėduonies gydymą /
Translation of Title Dental students' and dentists' knowledge of management of deep carious lesions.
Authors Balutina, Kotryna
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Pages 84
Abstract [eng] Relevance of the problem. Dental caries, described as a behavioral disease, is a local, chemical dissolution of dental hard tissues caused by dental plaque. Due to the high prevalence of caries, the poor epidemiological situation of the disease remains a significant issue for the population. Analyzing the scientific literature on the treatment of deep caries, no previous scientific studies comparing the knowledge of dental students and dentists in Lithuania were found. Objective. To evaluate the knowledge of dental students and dentists about the treatment of deep caries. Tasks. To compare the knowledge of dental students and dentists about the treatment of deep caries. To identify factors influencing the knowledge of dental students and dentists regarding the treatment of deep caries in permanent teeth. Materials and methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 58 dental students and 69 dentists. The research instrument was an anonymous questionnaire about the treatment of deep caries. The questionnaire consisted of two parts - general and topic-related questions. Key variables were identified: respondent status (student/dentist) and additional interest (participation in continuing education courses and reading scientific articles). Statistical analysis of the research data was performed using the "IBM SPSS Statistics" statistical data analysis package, version 28.0. The Chi-squared (&#967;2) test was used to analyze the results, with results considered statistically significant when p-value was <0.05. Results. More than 80% of dentists deepen their theoretical knowledge by participating in continuing education courses, while over 33% of student respondents do not (p = 0.016). The distribution of students based on their search for additional scientific literature is uneven, and over 60% of dentists claim they are not interested in additional information about deep caries treatment (p=0.170). All dental students probe cavities when preparing deep caries-affected permanent teeth, while almost a quarter of dentists do not choose this preparation quality assessment method (p<0.001). 1.8 times more students than dentists tend to use the rubber dam system more often (p=0.033). None of the students apply fibers (e.g., Ribbond®), while 13% of dentists choose to use them (p = 0.017). Nearly 80% of dentists report using composite materials such as "GCEverX™" and just over half of the students also do (p = 0.002). Conclusions. 2/3 of students and about 4/5 of dentists have good knowledge of the treatment of deep carious lesions in permanent teeth, as they adhere to a protocol based on the latest scientific research: they perform diagnostic X-rays, pulp sensitivity tests, choose a conservative preparation method, use an isolation system and short fibers reinforced composites. Comparing the knowledge of dentists and dental students regarding the treatment of deep carious lesions, it was found that the knowledge of both groups is equally good. Attendance of qualification enhancement courses, additional self-study, reading scientific literature are significant factors for improving the knowledge of students and dentists.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024