Title Lietuvos gyventojų periodonto sveikata ir jai įtaką darančių socialinių, demografinių veiksnių, sisteminės patologijos bei gyvensenos įpročių įvertinimas /
Translation of Title Periodontal health of the lithuanian residents and assessment of social, demographic factors, systemic diseases and lifestyle habits affecting it.
Authors Stankevičiūtė, Gedvilė
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Pages 39
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY Relevance of the problem and aim of the work. Periodontitis is a widespread disease of the teeth supporting soft and hard tissues. Many do not suspect that they have this disease and it is often diagnosed in the later stages. There is a lack of epidemiological studies of the periodontal condition of the Lithuanian population. Such studies are necessary in order to plan preventive programs for periodontal diseases in the country. The purpose of the work: to assess the periodontal health of Lithuanian residents and the social and demographic factors affecting it, the effects of systemic diseases and individual lifestyle habits. Material and methods. After gaining access to the part of the data of the "National General Oral Health Research Study 2017–2019" (Bioethics Committee No. 158200–17-920–426. The data are stored in the data archive of the research client VUL Žalgiris Clinic), randomly selected anonymous 1415 responses were analyzed. Patients were included in the study according to the selection criteria of subjects (see Appendices). In order to assess the state of periodontal health in Lithuania, it was decided to analyze archival data of the country in the Master's thesis, which had not yet been analyzed on the topic of periodontal health. SPSS 29.0 program and Microsoft Excel were used for statistical data analysis. For statistical data analysis descriptive statistics, Chi-square independence criteria, logistic regression, tests were used when the level of statistical significance is p ≤ 0.05. Results. Nine out of ten subjects have gingivitis. Four out of five respondents rate the condition of their gums and teeth as average or bad. More than half of the respondents experienced toothache in the last 12 months. More than half of 65–74 years old subjects have periodontal probing pockets deeper than 4 mm. Fourty percent of the subjects have less than secondary education and have at least two periodontal pockets deeper than 4 mm. Almost sixty percent of men have periodontal pockets 6 mm or deeper. Ninety percent of people living in smaller Lithuanian settlements have periodontal pockets deeper than 4 mm. Almost eighty percent of respondents smoke, two thirds of smokers have periodontal pockets deeper than 4 mm. Only two out of ten subjects use interdental brushes. More than half of the respondents have systemic diseases confirmed by a family doctor and have periodontal pockets deeper than 4 mm. Conclusions. The periodontal health of the population of Lithuania is poor. The risk of developing periodontitis is increased by older age, less than higher education, male gender, living in the rural area, smoking, not using interdental cleaning products, and systemic diseases.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024