Title Pacientų, turinčių nekariozinius pažeidimus, žinių apie jų dantų būklę vertinimas /
Translation of Title Knowledge assessment of patients with non-carious lesions regarding the state of their teeth.
Authors Šimkonytė, Gabriela
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Pages 30
Abstract [eng] Relevance of the problem and aim of the study. People experience more stress, consume carbonated drinks, do not avoid bad habits due to intensive lifestyle. Therefore non-carious dental defects are diagnosed more and more often while doing patient‘s mouth examination. The aim of the study – to determine the knowledge of patients with non-carious lesions about the condition of their theeth and identify their dental lesions and the factors causing them. Material and methods. Patient‘s data were collected by performing clinical examination of the mouth‘s condition and using a survey. Questionnaire consists of 29 various type questions, which were divided into three sections: socio-demographic questions, questions about oral hygiene habits, health condition and how they take care of it and lifestyle features. 68 patients took part in the research. The data obtained were processed and analysed using Microsoft Office Excel 2016 and IBM SPSS Statistics 29.0 software. Results. The majority of the respondents were women (64.7% of women and 35.3% of men). Most patients had not lost a single tooth (third molars were not included in the study) (42 patients), 23 patients had caries-intact teeth. Men usually had abrasions and erosions, while women were characterized by attritions and abfractions. Non-carious cervical lesions were more common in 34-49 years old age group, erosions – in 18-33 and 50-75 years old age groups and the attrition lesions were similarly distributed in all age groups. Statistically significant results were obtained between age and the number of missing teeth (p<0.01), between number of abfractions and age (p<0.01), number of abfractions and place of residence (p=0.04), number of abfractions and malocclusion (p=0.02) and number of abfractions and interproximal dental cleaning (p=0.03), also between dental wear and age (p=0.03). Conclusions. Patients are not interested about their oral health status and have no knowledge about non-carious dental lesions, however, subjects with higher educational degree tend to visit the dentist more often for prevention. The number of missing teeth and non-carious defects among participants was related to their age, place of residence and individual oral hygiene habits.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024