Title Multimodalaus diskurso resemiotizavimas: IKEA reklama /
Translation of Title Resemiotization of multimodal discourse: ikea advertising.
Authors Lapinskaitė, Nora
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Pages 57
Abstract [eng] The study "Resemiotization of Multimodal discourse: IKEA Advertising" examines the multimodal discourse of advertising, which actualises intertextuality, and shows how intertextuality functions in advertising and what the consequences of this phenomenon are. To achieve the aim of the study, the tools of Gunther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen's sociosemiotics and multimodal discourse analysis, Lars Elleström's modality theory and Rick Iedema's concept of resemiotization were combined to describe how IKEA's advertising texts are constructed and can be interpreted using intertexts from different media (literature, theatre, cinema and art). The hypothesis of intertextuality as a cultural and social practice that resemiotizes the multimodal advertising discourse was confirmed and it was shown that intertextuality changes the communicative situation of the advertising message, regulates the audience's involvement and transforms the status of the advertising message from a commercial text to an artistictext, which presupposes a multiplicity of interpretations. The semantic dynamic, when the same sign (intertext) can act as an icon, an index, or a symbol, enables a second code and the message functions as a secondary modelling system capable of modelling reality and changing the identity of the perceiver/audience (individual and collective). All the values described in the thesis establish the IKEA brand identity.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024