Title Ritmo, rimo ir sąskambių perteikimo Walto Whitmano poezijos rinktinės „Leaves of Grass“ vertimuose į lietuvių kalbą lyginamoji analizė /
Translation of Title A comparative analysis of the levels of rhythm, rhyme and sound correspondence in lithuanian translations of walt whitman’s “leaves of grass“.
Authors Blynas, Lukas
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Pages 83
Abstract [eng] In the master’s thesis “A Comparative Analysis of the Levels of Rhythm, Rhyme and Sound Correspondence in Lithuanian Translations of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass” the translation strategies chosen by Lithuanian translators are analyzed and compared. Seven poems from the 19th century American poet Walt Whitman’s collection of poetry, Leaves of Grass (translated into Lithuanian by Antanas Miškinis in 1959 and Marius Burokas and Kasparas Pocius in 2019), were selected for analysis. The theoretical part of the thesis presents the most important aspects of Whitman’s poetry as well as his prosody and the history of Whitman’s poetry translations into Lithuanian. It briefly discusses translation of poetry and poetry translation schools. In the empirical part, seven poems and their Lithuanian translations from both books are analyzed and compared according to two criteria: rhythmic qualities and sound correspondences. When translating Whitman, Miškinis, Burokas and Pocius tried to recreate various formal aspects of his poetry as accurately as possible, compensating for some of the losses by applying a “global” compensation strategy (Klaudy, 2008). Miškinis’ translations partially represents the Eastern Translation School because he accurately rendered most of the formal aspects of the poems. Burokas’ translations also partially represents the Eastern Translation School (but a little less than Miškinis’) because he rendered the formal aspects a bit more freely, while Pocius’ translations partially represents the Western Translation School (he changed the most formal aspects of the original poems).
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024