Title Lietuvos miestų viešojo transporto informacinių tekstų vertimas į anglų kalbą /
Translation of Title English translation of lithuanian city public transport informational texts.
Authors Tubis, Robertas
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Pages 51
Abstract [eng] The object of the study of public transport information texts is the English translation of these texts. The study aims to identify how the functions of language are transferred in translation. To achieve this aim, the objectives are to discuss previous studies on English translation for non-native speakers and its peculiarities; assess how different sources within the same city transfer referential and conative functions of public transport information texts; compare the translation variants of several Lithuanian cities as well as with parallel texts in countries where English is the official language. The literature review shows that translation addressed to tourists is mostly done by non-native speakers; therefore, source language interference is a common feature of translated texts. To avoid such interference, it is suggested to make use of relevant LSP corpora and parallel texts. However, considering the issue of the addressee that arises when discussing public transport texts, other theoretical approaches to translation might be more appropriate. The empirical part analyses and compares the difference in lexis used to refer to concepts in public transport, indicating when the translation fails to refer to the same referent, or when different lexical items are used as synonyms. The concepts presenting most problems to translators are identified. The transformations of conative function are also showcased, demonstrating how in certain cases the illocutionary force is reinforced or diminished. The conclusion states that in some cities, to transfer referential and conative functions of language, parallel texts from English-speaking countries were, to a larger extent, used to make translation decisions. In others, the preservation of semantic units of the source prevailed. Since these two approaches are as a rule used alongside each other, it is common for a referent to receive different translations, where the same lexical unit is used to refer to different concepts.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024