Title Esminių verslo procesų, kuriančių įmonės konkurencinį pranašumą, vertinimas /
Translation of Title Assessing the key business processes that create a company's competitive advantage.
Authors Pautienienė, Karina
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Pages 216
Abstract [eng] The aim of the Master's thesis - to identify the essential elements of business process management that give an organization a competitive advantage and to compare the elements with each other and to identify their importance in creating a competitive advantage. The following objectives are set in the Master's thesis: 1. to analyze and summarize the scientific literature in order to reveal the most important elements of business process management and their impact on competitive advantage. 2. to develop a methodology for studying the impact of business process management elements on competitive advantage. 3. to identify the importance of the key elements of business process management in determining an organization's competitive advantage. 4. based on the results of the empirical study and the analyzed scientific sources, to provide conclusions and recommendations for further research. The author used the following research methods: 1) review and analysis of scientific literature and sources, comparative and interpretative method of analysis of scientific literature; 2) expert evaluation and interpretative analysis, based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process Methodology; 3) descriptive and comparative analysis of the results of the empirical research, using the statistical analysis technique. The analysis of the literature helped the author to identify that competitive advantage is the ability of an organization to achieve and maintain a positive position in a given market, which is difficult to replicate for other organizations. The main elements of competitive advantage are efficiency, productivity, speed, flexibility and quality improvement. In the literature review, the author has identified that business process management has 9 key elements that enable organizations to achieve competitive advantage, and in the empirical study, it was found that these elements are ranked in order of their impact on competitive advantage as follows: 1) customer orientation, 2) employee motivation, 3) innovation and creativity, 4) risk management, 5) communication and collaboration, 6) resource management, 7) monitoring and reporting analysis, 8) standardization and 9) automation. Organizations should therefore start applying business process management techniques to their operations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness, flexibility, speed and quality of their business processes and, once they have identified their strategy, to engage in the essential elements of business process management that can enable them to achieve a competitive advantage in their industry. The results of the literature analysis and empirical study carried out in the Master's thesis show that this topic is not only relevant for research purposes, but also applicable in practice in the activities of organizations in order to achieve better performance. The results of the research work have not been published and there is a possibility of doing so in the future.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024