Title Vokietijos energetikos sektoriaus prisitaikymo prie Europos Sąjungos vykdomos politikos iššūkiai /
Translation of Title Challenges of the german energy sector adaptation to the european union policies.
Authors Etneris, Enrikas
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Pages 62
Abstract [eng] Master thesis “Challenges of the German Energy Sector Adaptation to the European Union Policies” is aimed to analyse Germany's plans to transition to an energy system based on renewable energy resources, and the challenges arising from long-term dependence on fossil fuels after 2021-2022 global energy crisis. Furhtermore, this thesis tries to determine whether Germany will be able to change its energy strategy quickly and effectively in order to still maintain its commitments to the EU's "Green Deal" without jeopardizing economic growth. This thesis analyses main German strategic documents in the field of energy and compares them with the latest energy regulatory documents of the European Union, adopted in the context of the energy crisis. The main challenges that Germany faces when implementing policies and measures in the medium term (up to 2030) are identified. This paper also examines the change in the German political discourse at the level of energy policy through changes in European Union policy. This paper uses a document analysis method to examine the relationship and coherence of the strategic documents those of Germany and the European Union, in accordance to medium-term climate and energy policy goals. These methods are used to provide information about energy systems and its plan and information in this aspect. However, strategic goals and objectives are specified in strategic docs, and official papers are reliable, it is difficult to interpret them. In order to determine how the Germany’s policical decisions to tackle the energy crisis changed and how they were influenced by the European Union, a discourse analysis is used. Statements and positions of Germany during the meetings of the EU working groups are examined. They were chosen because it is the format of meetings of the highest strategic level of the executive power. In the field of energy, the European Council, together with the European Parliament, is responsible for the adoption of legislation in energy market area with the aim to ensure a secure energy supply, promote energy efficiency, and promote the connection of new and renewable energy and energy networks. For this purpose, data such as meeting records and press releases will be publicly available. Thesis identifies key findings: 1. Germany's draft National energy and climate plan (NECP) update aligns with EU strategies but lacks long-term projections, making it hard to assess its effectiveness. Despite efforts to reduce fossil fuel dependency and meet climate goals, some targets fall short. Germany faces challenges in transitioning to renewables while ensuring energy security. 2. Germany’s draft NECP update emphasizes renewable energy source (RES) expansion and diversification of energy resources but faces criticism for slow coal phase-out. Achieving climate goals by 2045 with 40% renewable energy by 2030 poses a significant challenge. Germany's transition progresses slowly, given its large energy consumption and must ensure energy security. 3. Germany initially took a moderate political stance during the 2021 energy crisis but shifted after Russia's war in Ukraine in 2022, partly due to a new government with a greener agenda and after the need to take immediate actions to protect its economy and vulnerable consumers. This change underscores the importance of solidarity and ambitious goals outlined in the "FitFor55" package. 4. The "FitFor55" package ensures energy security and urges increased solidarity between the EU member states. However, sudden energy transitions strain finances of the states, requiring compensation for rising energy costs and subsidies for expansion of RES. This paper is significant in the sense that it allows to understand that energy crisis facilitated EU’s (Germany included) energy transition by allowing a faster RES expansion and it also increases energy security. By looking at challenges Germany faces mid-term, we can identify potential areas for investments.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024