Title Ekonominių šokų poveikis Lietuvos lazerius gaminančių įmonių finansiniams rezultatams /
Translation of Title The impact of economic shocks on the financial results of lithuanian laser manufacturing companies.
Authors Kiaušinė, Daiva
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Pages 117
Abstract [eng] 117 pages, 24 charts, 12 pictures, 9 references. The main purpose of this master thesis is to find out what is the effect of economic shocks on the financial results of companies manufacturing lasers in Lithuania and how strongly economic shocks affect or do not affect the componies of this specific sector, to find out what are the reasons for such results. Objective. To determine the impact of the economic shock on the financial results of Lithuanian laser manufacturing companies. Tasks: 1) To examine the concept of economic shock, types and economic indicators reflecting them; 2) Determine and analyze financial performance evaluation indicators; 3) Analyze previous scientific research on the subject of the impact of economic shocks; 4) Assess the significance of laser production companies for the country's development and economy; 5) Conduct an empirical study, based on the analysis of financial statements of laser production companies, correlation matrices and regression analyses, in order to determine changes in the results of these companies; 6) Conduct a structured questionnaire survey of experts in order to determine the reasons for changes in the financial results of companies producing lasers. Methods. The following methods were applied in the work: analysis of scientific literature and articles, their systematization, summarization, comparison; collection and comparative analysis of primary, secondary and statistical data; data analysis of financial statements and macroeconomic indicators; creating a correlation matrix; regression analysis; structured survey of experts and analysis of its results; systematization and summarization of data. Keywords: economic shock, macroeconomic indicators, laser manufacturing companies, financial indicators.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024