Title Kapueiros "terapinis veidas", kaip įrankis šokio-judesio terapijos kontekste /
Translation of Title Capoeira's "therapeutic face" as a tool in the context of dance movement therapy.
Authors Juozėnė, Lina
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Pages 74
Abstract [eng] Topic: the "therapeutic face" of capoeira as a tool in the context of dance-movement therapy. Little research has been done on the use of capoeira in dance-movement therapy and the impact of the „therapeutic face" of capoeira on human well-being. No such studies have been found in Lithuania. The scientific problem raised in this paper is whether capoeira as a dance and movement system can be used in dance-movement therapy for the improvement of human well-being as physical, mental, social and emotional health, as well as for various emotional disorders, like other dances based on scientific research, such as tango, salsa, samba, rumba, lindyhop, merengue, ballet, etc. (Šeduikienė, Matonis, 2000, p. 299). In order to include capoeira as a new therapeutic tool for dance-movement, the object of the qualitative research is formulated: revealing the "therapeutic face" of capoeira through the experiences of capoeira performers. Objective of the study: to reveal the 'therapeutic face' of capoeira as a tool in the context of dance-movement therapy. Study objectives are: to reveal the theoretical „therapeutic face“ of capoeira; to reveal the theoretical possibilities of capoeira as a therapeutic tool in dance-movement therapy; to reveal the experiential 'therapeutic face' of capoeira in the context of dance-movement therapy. Participants: a total of 7 participants took part in the study, 3 of them experienced in dance-movement therapy. Research methodology: qualitative research. Data was collected by semi-structured interview. The data and analysis was carried out using inductive thematic analysis. Results: Capoeira in the community; Exotic dance combat game; Journey towards personal development; Intersection between capoeira and dance-movement therapy. Conclusions: the results of the theoretical scientific analysis revealed the theoretical „therapeutic face" of capoeira as a dance and movement system, as well as the theoretical therapeutic elements of capoeira, which are similar to the therapeutic tools used in the DMT. The theoretical possibilities of the application of the „therapeutic face" of capoeira as a therapeutic tool in DMT were revealed. The practical experiential 'therapeutic face' of capoeira was revealed through empirical analysis of the experiences of capoeira participants.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024