Title Paauglių reakcijų į dalyvavimą tyrime „Stresas ir atsparumas paauglystėje“ sąsajos su trauminėmis patirtimis ir potrauminio streso reakcijomis /
Translation of Title Adolescent reactions to participation in the study “stress and resilience in adolescence” and its associations with traumatic experiences and post-traumatic stress reactions.
Authors Lygytė, Augustė
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Pages 58
Abstract [eng] Adolescents exposed to potentially traumatic events and experiencing post-traumatic stress reactions are often overlooked in empirical research. There is a lack of such research and lack of knowledge about the possibilities for such research groups to participate in further research work. The aim of the present study was to investigate how adolescents, who participated in the “Stress and resilience in adolescence” (STAR-A) study, reacted to participation in the study, and the link of these reactions with traumatic experiences and post-traumatic stress reactions. 133 individuals (53% female; aged 14-17 years) participated in the study. The work is part of the STAR-A study. The scales used were the Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen - List of events, the International Trauma Questionnaire - Child and Adolescent version, and the Research Participation Questionnaire for Children, adapted for the STAR-A research. The results showed that re-experiencing of the traumatic event as well as problems in affect regulation are negatively linked to positive reactions to participation. Being older is linked to positive reactions to research participation and positive reactions to trust and information about the study.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024