Title Nusikaltimų žmoniškumui vaizdavimas Lietuvos internetinėje spaudoje Rusijos - Ukrainos karo metu /
Translation of Title Representation of atrocity crimes in the lithuanian online press during the russia - ukraine war.
Authors Gurstytė, Karolina
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Pages 88
Abstract [eng] This study aims to understand how crimes against humanity are presented in public discourse based on articles available on the internet. The research focuses on crimes in the context of Russian aggression against Ukraine and is relevant not only in Lithuania but also internationally. The study seeks to comprehend how media coverage of crimes against humanity is disseminated and how it influences public opinion and perception. The research findings indicate that different discourses have different perspectives on crimes against humanity. Professional discourse, relying on legal regulations, emphasizes the importance of international law and provides a structured approach to crimes, while public discourse, often employing stereotypical views, shapes public opinion and reactions. The study also highlights the importance of media in informing and shaping public opinion about crimes against humanity. Media present selective information that can significantly influence societal attitudes and political decisions. Analyzing the research, it became evident that media content can have a significant impact on knowledge dissemination and societal perceptions of crimes against humanity. Therefore, understanding how information is filtered and presented to the public is crucial, as it can have a long-term impact on international law, political decisions, and public awareness. This topic is not fully explored, leaving room for further research. Further analysis and studies would deepen our understanding of how media and discourses affect societal perceptions of crimes against humanity and help identify effective measures for preventing these crimes and ensuring justice.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024