Title Nonunion of osteoporotic pelvic fractures /
Translation of Title Nonunion of Osteoporotic Pelvic Fractures.
Authors Törmä, Nikla Marianna
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Pages 26
Keywords [eng] Fracture nonunion, Pelvic fracture, Osteoporosis, Osteoporotic fracture, Fragility Fracture, Parathyroid hormone, Teriparatide, Rommense classification.
Abstract [eng] This master’s thesis reports a case of a 63-year-old woman who sustained a non-traumatic osteoporotic fragility fracture of the pelvis. The original imaging results showed only a small fracture of the upper and lower pubic ramus on the left, which resulted in her being treated conservatively. Over the course of a following weeks her symptoms worsened, and it was only then that it was discovered that she had also sustained a full fracture of the right ilium. Additionally, the imaging showed that the pubic ramus fractures had not healed properly, causing a fracture nonunion. At this point she was given a bone density scan which led her being diagnosed with osteoporosis. She was then started on bisphosphonates. Her fractures were still treated conservatively, and the added bisphosphonate regimen did very little to improve her condition. She was then moved from bisphosphonates to teriparatide. Just under a year after starting on teriparatide there was consolidation of bone, her mobility had improved, and her pain reduced. In this thesis the current research is examined regarding the use of teriparatide as a treatment option for osteoporotic patients with pelvic nonunion fractures. With the present data available this thesis looks at the benefits and limitations of using teriparatide both in the non-interventional and interventional treatment methods of pelvic nonunion fractures and attempts to make recommendations for future research.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024