Title Tautinės gyventojų sudėties kaitos erdvinė sklaida Lietuvoje XX-XXI a /
Translation of Title Spatial distribution of changes in the national compositions of the population in lithuania in the 20th-21st centuries.
Authors Banevičius, Ignas
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Pages 92
Abstract [eng] Lithuanian society has experienced significant transformations over the past century due to geopolitical, social, economic, and cultural developments, which have also impacted the national composition of its population. While the latest 2021 census indicates a predominantly Lithuanian population, comprising approximately 84.61% of the total inhabitants, questions arise regarding the homogeneity of the entire territory and its historical context. This study delves into the demographic data of all general population censuses conducted in Lithuania from the 20th to the 21st centuries, spanning from the interwar period in 1923 to the most recent census in 2021. The aim is to comprehensively examine the changes in Lithuania's national composition over time and to develop an interactive online mapping application for visualizing these changes. Employing expressive cartographic representations, including cartodiagrams and cartograms, the study reveals both historical and current trends in the national composition of Lithuania's population. By doing so, it aims to counteract misinformation and reduce the consequences of societal stigmatization of national minorities resulting from a lack of understanding of their demographics. The study culminates in the creation of two databases in Microsoft Excel (lietuvos_tautos.xlsx) and ArcGIS Pro (lietuvos_tautos.gdb) formats, the digitization of administrative division boundaries from historical periods, an analysis of ethnic composition data, and the production of 14 printed maps, as well as the creation of an interactive web-based map application. These results provide valuable insights into the demographic history of the national composition of the Lithuanian population, the current situation and are important for further research and public education.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024