Title Kompiuterinės regos taikymas sporto ir reabilitacijos informacinėje sistemoje /
Translation of Title Application of computer vision in sport and rehabilitation information system.
Authors Jaščanin, Ernest
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Pages 68
Abstract [eng] In this Master thesis, the identification and evaluation of Tinetti transition exercises using human pose based deep neural networks is being analyzed. The identified existing datasets are not suitable for correctness estimation, therefore a new Tinetti dataset is created containing examples of performing correct and incorrect exercise versions. The collected dataset is augmented with data from several existing datasets. Human pose keypoints are extracted using MediaPipe BlazePose. Identified and proposed the examples of multiobjective CNN neural network architectures capable of determining the Tinetti exercise and its correctness. The best suggested model achieved 77.65% exercise classification accuracy and 65.7% exercise correctness accuracy.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024